Car insurance help?

Car insurance help?

Around how much is car insurance? Am I looking at like 50 bucks a month? 500 bucks a month? I really have no idea. Any help is appreciated.


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:INSUREQUOTE.US





Does anyone know the insurance group prices in the UK?

looking at car insurance does anyone know how much is group is like 3E, 5 and 12 or summit is there any websites where you can find them? if anyone has any suggestions please leave below!



Funny Radio Car insurance Ad?

I heard a hilarious radio ad for car insurance, and it was with a guy singing something like, I am driving in my car, Hey some is swerving toward me, I guess it's my lucky day, I'll get out of the way! Then a narrarator says, in real life it happens more like this, I am driving in my Ca------ and then someone hits him. If anybody knows what this ad is for or where i can find it that would be awesome!!!



Where can i find insurance for a barber shop?

what are the best insurance companies for barbershop insurance? where should i look?



How much will my insurance go up with 4 speeding tickets in 1 and 1/2 years?

I just received my fourth and fifth speeding tickets in the past year and a half. Yes, I know that is completely ridiculous. I am still covered with my parents auto insurance and while my license is not suspended, my parents will not allow me to drive anymore if they find out about them. I attended traffic school for 1/5 citations, so it should not show up to my insurance company. Does anybody happen to know how much my insurance rates will increase with these last two tickets, or if they will even still cover me? Thanks!



Im looking for cheap or reasonalby priced auto insurance...can anyone give me any tips???

this is my first car and i need full coverage...somebody help me please!



Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?

i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?



Can I take out a life insurance policy on my friend?

My friend somehow got my social security number off one of my pay stubs and memorized. Now when we get drunk he has a song that he's made including my SS #, this makes me very angry. I want to take out a life insurance policy on him to scare him, is this possible? I'm thinking maybe 100k policy (he's only 26 so it should be cheap), I think the sheer fact of him knowing if he dies I get rich will bother him more than it bothers me that he has my social. Is this legal, can I take out a life insurance policy on anyone I choose?



I want the cheapest Liability only Insurance possible for my car. Which company should I go to?

I am based in MN, if it depends on the state.



Can you be arrested for not having proof of insurance?

A friend of mine recently was pulled over for window tint being too dark in kansas. The only windows showing were extended cab part. Front drivers and passengers windows were rolled down. When asked for proof of insurance, he looked in glove box. Did not find most recent card but did find the previous one. The officer proceeded to arrest him for no proof of insurance. The officer also stated that it was a city law for that particular town. Can each city pass their own laws? Can they arrest you for no proof of insurance? Even if that certain town had this law, can they arrest you for that law even if you do not reside in that town/county?



Help PLEASE!! Auto Insurance Question?

I have a question concerning auto insurance. I recently totaled my vehicle at no fault of my own. Long story short the insurance company is offering me a few thousand more than Kelly Blue Book states the vehicle is actually worth. But what theyre offering is substantially lower than that which is outlined on the Declarations for Policy paper under value. Thing is, Ive verbally accepted the amount over the phone. Now theyre sending papers to sign over the vehicle. When I phoned the agency, I was informed by the assigned adjuster that he cannot offer more. I dont really believe him, afterall insurance companies are known for trying to take advantage of people. Heres the dilema, if theyre offering more than KKB and under the value on the policy. I assume theyre just trying to avoid paying what the real value is. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. I have little knowledge in this, I just turned 22 years old and this was my first car.



How much is it going to cost me a year for car insurance?

i will be 16 in august my car is a chevy cavalier im not sure of the year does anyone know how much it would cost a year for car insurance ?



Where do i find affordable health insurance for my dog?

I need health care insurance for my American Bull Dog



Should i get life insurance for my child?

my child gets ssi money every month and we really do depend on that money and our child has a health condition that she could die with in a year or so or she could get better with a miracle and life a happy life i dont know is i should get life insurance for my child or not who is any a year old. if so please say where i should go to get one?



Will my parent's car insurance go up if I get my drivers license?

Ok I am 17 years old and will turn 18 soon. I have a lerners permit at the moment. My parents have Geico auto insurance and they will not let me get my drivers license because they said their rates would go up as long as I live at home and they can't afford to pay for my insurance. I called geico and they said it would go up,and they asked me what vehicle I would be driving. I told them that I don't have a car, and they said you have to be assigned to a car as a 'part time driver'. But the problem is, I don't need a car right now, I can drive a motorcycle. In the state of florida, motorcycle insurance is not required, but a class e drivers license is required to operate the motorcycle. So if I get my drivers license, why should my parents car insurance go up if I were to drive a motorcycle that does not require insurance at all?



Where can i find cheap car insurance?????

im 19 and have a vectra any one know where i can find cheap inssurance and is it better to do me or another family member as the main driver







I have a question about teenage driving insurance?

I let my son drive my car sometimes and his six months is up and he is now wants to drive friends in the car. I know my car insurance will cover him if he is in a wreck, but will it cover his friends?



Affordable health insurance in texas?

I am self employ'd make enough to pay my bills cannot afford the average health insurance can anybody recommend me to affordable insurance that does not have a high deductable?



How do I find out my car insurance rates before I get a car?

I haven't bought a car yet because a lot depends on how much insurance will be. I'm a 27 single female living in Boston, I've had a license since 18 but never drove so it expired and I recently renewed it. I don't have anything on my record. I would be the only person on the insurance. I went online but they required the make and year of your car to calculate the rates.



18 year old car insurance? ?

Im looking at a Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. Where can i.get the cheapest car insurance.?



How much is full coverage for auto insurance cost monthly usually ? ?

I was thinking about financing a 2000 nissan maxima but im not sure if its a good idea because of monthly car payments and car insurance plus if it breaks down idk what I would do. I just need to know how much is full coverage for auto insurance usually cost per month or is there something cheaper I can get other than full coverage.



How Much would Car Insurance cost for a 2002 or 2003 Subaru WRX, not the Sti. Anyone know? Thanks! =]?

How Much would Car Insurance cost for a 2002 or 2003 Subaru WRX, not the Sti. Anyone know? Thanks! =]?



Does anyone know the average cost for motorcycle insurance in New York City?

Not for a new street-bike, but for an older bike, like a triumph



Does anyone know where i can get cheap and affordable health insurance from in wisconsin?

Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer



Car insurance payment?

I would like to get the car insurance for my used car, and it is my first car. If I buy the insurance for 6 months, should I pay all the 6 months insurance at one time, or pay month by month? Thanks.


Car insurance help?

Around how much is car insurance? Am I looking at like 50 bucks a month? 500 bucks a month? I really have no idea. Any help is appreciated.


What does it mean when a person put you under their car insurance?

im getting my own car and my brother in law said that he would put me under his car insurance what does this mean? does it mean i will be having my car under his insurance with the same policy and i will be paying the same amount as he is or does it mean that i would be having my own insurance policy and i would bee paying a whole different amount?



Manufactured home insurance?

Has anyone dealt with any companies dealing with insurance for relocatable homes. We are looking for an insurer of these type of dwellings



My friend backed his motorcycle into my car, who's insurance covers it?

My friend backed his motorcycle out not paying attention and backed into the side of my car leaving 3 deep scratches from the pegs on the side of the bike. Also, the bike and the car were in his driveway. He does not have insurance on the bike, but we both have liability on our cars. How do we go about getting this issue resolved?



What is the best car insurance i can get?

I am 18 and have a minnimum paying job.. what would be the cheapest car insurance i can get? its a 86 honda accord.



How much would it cost to insure these cars?

How much a year would it cost to insure a: 57 reg Renault Clio 1.1L and a 57 reg Vauxhall Corsa 1.1L I'm 18, female live off the main road and the car would be kept on a driveway, i live in a quiet little village in Derbyshire, the insurance groups for both are group 1. It will be used to drive to and from college each day so around 20 miles a day, no enhancements on the car, cars have done 17,000 miles, i have had my license for 1 month. Thanks.



Any reccomendations for a good dental insurance??

i have health insurance through my job, but they do not offer dental.



I want the cheapest Liability only Insurance possible for my car. Which company should I go to?

I am based in MN, if it depends on the state.



Best health insurance for international students, california?

My friend is an international student and she needs to buy health insurance. Could you tell me what would be the cheapest insurance? And when buying insurance as IS, what factors are important? Thanks.



What do I need to add to my auto insurance policy to be considered full coverage.?

I have a car with Calif min. pl and pd. If I were to add a new car what additional coverage and how much would be considered full coverage and satisfy the finance company?



Just insurance quoted for $600?

So I was shopping around for car insurance since I was planning on buy a car soon... I'm 19 years old after getting quotes from multiple different places my cheapest insurance quote was $664... Uhmm wth? How the **** is anyone suppose to afford that? Thats basically half of my monthly income >_< and the car I was looking to buy was a sedan not a sports car no powerful engine just a Pontiac sunfire, chevy cavalier, chevy impala(2000) what am I suppose to do get a piece of junk that might not even make it to the corner??



How long does it take for car insurers to reset rates to reflect changes in car values?

SUV prices have plummeted in the last year. Will comprehensive and collision insurance rates go down this year as a reflection of less risk to the insurer?



Car Insurance Question for Washington State?

In WA State, does the car insurance follow the car, or the person? I want to say the person, because when someone gets car insurance and they trade in their car, that insurance will cover that replacement car for 30 days or so. But when someone lends their car to their friend and that friend is in an accident or causes a claim, is that friend covered under the insurance of the person who lent the car? Then wouldnt that mean that the insurance follows the car in this case?



About car insurance in virginia?

what car insurance company responsible for, what is the limit of policy, whats the liability?



What are some good affordable dental plans for an individual?

I currently have no dental insurance and I need something really affordable. Serious answers please



If I send a demand letter to an insurance company, do I have to ask for a specific amount?

Or can I leave it open-ended? I was in an accident in June '09. The other driver was found to be 100% at fault. I received a settlement offer from the at fault driver's insurance company that was ridiculously LOW. I replied with a letter stating that I would not accept their low offer and explained why. I'm wondering now, though, if I should have specified an amount that I expect to receive. I simply told them to get back to me with a real and significantly higher offer or I would be seeking legal representation. Did I make a mistake?



Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old?

im interested in getting a bike (CF Moto V5), and i was wonder what would be a close estimate to the yearly cost? thank you.



What is the best life insurance?

I wouls like to make sure that my partner and my mother are safe if something happens to me. What is the best insurance? Also: Does life insurance also cover critical illness?



What is the cheapest car insurance?

28 yr old. Just need a car that runs for two years. I want to insure it the bare minimum for the cheapest price. What car is the cheapest to insure? Lets say I bought a 95 civic dx, what company is the cheapest to get insurance from? anecdotal experience is fine. Thanks



Car insurance 1st driver uk cheapest & best one to go with.. thanks?

thats all i want to know cheers :)



Do you think its good to have insurance?

Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance School supply insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?



How much will it cost me to be insured on a 1.6 litre for an 17 year old?

im a female, I just passed my test and i have 5000 pounds to spend on a car. I want to buy a convertible ford street ka. How much would that be on insurance roughly? thanks



Can I get life insurance for my brother-in-law? Because he always say he going to kill himself.?

Can I get life insurance for my brother-in-law? Because he always say he going to kill himself.?



18 year-old female in Florida (Manatee/Sarasota area) looking for car insurance.?

I am looking for inexpensive car insurance for a 2007 Scion tC. I have had no tickets nor accidents in the two years that I have had my license. Oh and I will be 19 in two months. Any help will be appreciated.



What insurance companies should i be looking into?

I am 17 and I am getting my license next not sure if my parent are gunna pay for me and I am not expecting them to....i have a 2001 grand cherokee limited v8 it is registered in my name I know gas is gunna be alot but i have a 8/hr job so ill pickup extra shifts since i dont have to walk miles anymore....what should i know when picking insurance, how can i get it for really cheap? in a couple days my school is giving me a drivers ed class and the also said itll give me a discount on insurance.what are good companies that like new drives?..please good responces!



How much would car insurance cost me?

IM 17, have a 3.67 gpa, the car will be a 98 van, and w/ that driver education training thing how much would it be.


Car insurance help?

Around how much is car insurance? Am I looking at like 50 bucks a month? 500 bucks a month? I really have no idea. Any help is appreciated.


Car insurance Michigan?

Im 23 i will be trying to buy a car. I have the down payment but its the insurance that the dealers are scaring me with. One dealer told me it would be about 400 to start a policy. My question is do i havr to pay that whole 400 to get my car off the lot or will it be like half and then the other half later that month



Can you help me find scooter insurance?

Hello I have a 125cc scooter,i live in the u.k,does someone know where I can get cheap scooter insurance and link me to the site you got it from thanks josh



Caught without car insurance.?

I was caught failing to stop completely at a red light right turn. The cop stopped me and asked for everything. I gave my driver's license, and my dad's insurance. the cop wrote me a ticket afterward and that's that. however, the thing is that i don't have insurance myself. is anything going to happen? note: this just happened 3 days ago and it apparently takes the count 2 months to enter the citation into the database



Life insurance.........?

my boyfriend wants to get life insurance. he's 18, healthy, doesn't smoke. what's the best company to get it with ?



Omg! car insurance!!!!?

*iam17yrs old. *i have all As in all the classes(2 AP classes and 2 honor classes) *have a house but living in an apartment for yrs and will live there until i graduate high school *open parking lot for now *drive less than a mile a day *play sports *have hobby *female *car =around10thousand to 13 thousand$(not decided) *fuel efficient car *adding to my parents' insurance(all sate..ithink) ABOUT HOW MUCH WILL It COST A MONTH ??? i just want to know before talking to the insurance company



Does a subcontractor need insurance?

typically, when you try to bid on jobs you will be asked for general/professional liability insurance. however when you subcontract do you still need insurance? also, what are riders and endorsements? thank you



Speeding ticket, have State Farm, will my premium increase or not?

The reason I am questioning the premium increase is because a friend of mine, who also has State Farm, never saw an increase in premium two years ago when he received a speeding ticket. what's the deal? anybody know?



Does anyone know the cheapest auto insurance?

In florida that is? i'm 18 and trying to buy my first car. I'm almost to my car cost mark and I know that i'm going to have to be ready to buy auto insurance....and I'm not 'bankin'' lol.



What is the best auto insurance carrier?

Hi everyone. I am shopping for car insurance and want to know the best but most affordable out there. My mother thought to put me on her policy with Progressive and I would pay her for the insurance, but they were going to charge her over $500.00 to do so. My friend has gotten into two accidents and hasn't had to pay nearly that much , and neither did her dad when he put her on his policy. So my question is, which is the best, most affordable insurance? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you. :D



What is the average price of business insurance?

What is the average price of business insurance?



When can I get my own insurance?

Im 17 Ill be 18 in june. I had chip but my mom moved states and left me with my dad and chip expired and she cant re-apply because shes not in the same state. My dad doesnt want to pay for my insurance so now Im walking around with no insurance. I have medical problems and it requires surgery but I cant get anything now. I'm supposed to go get my eyes checked but I cant because of not having insurance. I dont know what to do. None of my family wants to add me on their insurance plan because it's too expensive. My sibling is on my mom's insurance because she live with her and my brother is on my step-mom's and my dad is on his own and pays child support. Im at a loss for what to do. My dad cant apply for chip because he is tied with my stepmoms income. What do I do? Can I get my own insurance? I start college in the fall, should I get insurance from the university?



Were can you get cheap car insurance?

i am 17 years old. i have ford kA and i am trying to look for cheap insurance cn any one help? xx



Where can i buy salvaged/broken cars or trucks from insurance companies for cheap?

i am thinking to start a business of exporting cars to third world countries. i see potential but i am looking for cheap and nice cars. i already have a mechanic, already have agents and know how to ship. i am thinking i should find potential markets here that i can buy for cheap. my main target is older semi trucks and some models of sedans here. any help ?



How much would it cost to insure a new Mazda3?

I want to buy a new ('08 or '09) Mazda 3. It would go on my parents insurance, and they both have a clean record. How much would it cost to insure? I live in Nassau County, NY (Long Island).



What does it mean when a person put you under their car insurance?

my brother in law is said he would put me under his car insurance but with my license and i just dont know what that means ? does it mean i will be having the car under my name with a new insurance policy and have to pay even more since i just got my license? or does it mean the car would be just under my name but under his insurance policy ?



Is there an option to suspend auto insurance coverage when you are not in the United States?

I am in the United States and have liability-only auto insurance coverage. I will be on vacation (out of United States) for about a month and my wife (also on my insurance policy) would be out of the United States for more than six (6) months. Based on preliminary findings, it seems that not having coverage (break in coverage) would impact future insurance premiums. What is the best way to save money as well as not impact coverage? Is there a concept like - suspend coverage for a while that when we are not in the country and not pay for that duration? Thanks in advance.



How much for car insurance i need the cheapest price?

i need the insurance the requier for the law



Insurance on this type of car?

I am planning on buying a 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT. I own a little hatchback and wanting to dramatically upgrade! lol I only have liability, full coverage is to expensive right now. But anyways, the car is red (some ppl say that matters, idk if it does), V6, and really sporty. On liability, how much do you think its going to cost per month???



What does a term life insurance medical exam consist of?

And what companies do people recommend.



Who knows the cheapest insurance in jesey for a 19 year old dude?

hey, my pal wants to get an insurance for my car cuz i can't my self, (police reasons) we want an insurance with the lowest price, lowest of all, i don't even care if it covers me well or whatever cuz if something happens to the car i will just use the other, it is just to register it, i got 2 cars, they the same but only one of them is gonna be register, so if u know anything about insurance with a low price or not nessesary legally but that can let me register it let me know (chevy lumina 97)



How much will car insurance cost me for a 2000 - 2005 Acura RSX?

I'm 18 years old, I live in California, and I've had a car accident in the rain in November 2013. Any guess of how much it would cost me? Not planning to get the Type-S. Thank You! Note: I'm looking for a old (year 2000 - 2005) type of sport car. If insurance will cost me high for this Acura RSX, may you give me any suggestions of which car you'd recommend me getting?



Need insurance help please?

I got into a car accident a few months ago (my fault). My insurance company denied my claim and didn't pay for the damages. Fast forward to today I get a letter saying that the insurance company of the guy who hit me are demanding that I pay them 6129 dollars. I don't have that kind of money im only 22 and I live with my parents. What will they do to me if I cant pay them? What can I do? (I live in california btw)



What is the best insurance company?

I'm looking for a company that offers life, auto, and home insurance. Good rate and customer service.



Is it a legal requirement to have caravan insurance?

Is it a legal requirement to have caravan insurance like it is car insurance? Thanks for your help!



Should i Register my car under my dad's name to get cheaper insurance?

How does it work? Do i buy the car under his name and register it under his name? OR Do i buy it under my name and register it under my name and just insure it under him? How does it work? EZ 10 Points here guys.


Car insurance help?

Around how much is car insurance? Am I looking at like 50 bucks a month? 500 bucks a month? I really have no idea. Any help is appreciated.


Car insurance...?

Ok I have 2 choices here! I have only been driving 6 months so I have 0 no claims. I have just been bought a car and to add it on my insurance policy it costs 60 on top on the 45 I pay a month..(105 a month) for 5 more months til i get my 1 year no claims or for 70 a month I cant start again with a different company . what to do? ....



Do you need insurance to drive a car?

i live in alberta and i am wondering do you have to get insurance in order to drive a car will you be in trouble if you drive without insurance?????



Anyone know part time jobs that give health insurance?

i know starbucks does but i was wondering if there were any others...



How much does car insurance cost in Ontario?

What are the factors involved? What kind of car will help me get lower insurance? I'm 16 (but will be 17 when I purchase a car) I haven't done any drivers coarse because I personally think it would be a waste of time. I've been driving for many years, seems pointless to take the coarse just to be considered a three star driver... anyways, should I get a newer car? or an older one? what factors are involved in getting low insurance? now I'm only gonna be 17, so I'm guessing it's gonna be around $2000-$3000 ( a year) but how can I get it as low as possible?



How much does it cost to replace an in-dash navigation system and does insurance cover it?

So here's the story. I was driving in my 2012 Honda Civic today and got angry and punched my navigation system (I know. It was unbelievably stupid. I know.) Anyway, the screen is shattered now, but the system still works. I called up a Honda dealer who said it would cost $3600 not including parts and labor. When I search online, the navigation systems seems to cost between $250 and $700. So what I want to know is, how much should I expect to pay to get this fixed. How long does it take? Will my insurance cover it? If my insurance covers it, will my rates change? Is the dealer the best way to get it fixed? I'm also under my warranty still, is there any way this is covered in my warranty?



What kind of insurance do i need for a produce business?

me and my family are starting up a produce farm and are woundering what kind of insurance we should look into for this.



Important question about auto insurance?

could anyone help me with this, i am a 22/m living in nyc, i want to get an affordable auto insurance cost for 6 months and a year. what does it usually run? what is the cheapest i more



No Proof of Car Insurance?

I got a ticket for no proof of insurance, I forgot to pay it, now I must see the judge, I didn't have insurance, yes very very dumb, I know, my question is..will I just be fined or is there jail time involved. I imagine there will be just a heavy penality in fines



Where can I get babysitting insurance in the UK?

I have scoured the internet but keep being told they won't give me babysitting insurance unless I am a registered childminder. Help please?



I got married but haven legally change my name how does that work with insurances?

I got married but haven legally change my name how does that work with insurances?



I am going to drive in a few years can somebody list some cars that are sporty but low on insurance?

please add if you can the insurance rates and the car name thanks!!



Insurance on a 2004 Infiniti G35 Coupe?

I am 17 and thinking of buying a G35 coupe in September (will be 18) for school. I was wondering how much the insurance would be, this will be my first car and I've never got a speeding ticket before or been in a crash.



Car insurance and tickets!! Help?

I live in Houston and I'm 18, I don't have a license. I was driving my dads car and got 3 tickets. One for driving 25 on a 20 mile school zone, one for no license and the other one for my name not being on the insurance. I'm working on getting my license Will my parents insurance go way way up if they add me to their insurance because of the tickets.



Health Insurance for Seniors?

We aare Senior Green card holders of 73 & 66 in Parker, Colorado. Can we get comprehensive Healthe Insurance?



Insurance Question for owners of the 2007 pontiac g5?

Im a 22 yr old male, never had a car before, just got my license; and im about to purchase me a new pontiac g5. Im wondering how much i can expect to pay for insurance every month?Plz help!



Auto insurance debt reported on credit reports?

I changed my auto insurance from progressive to some other company.yesterday i got a call from collections that i owe progressive money.Is this reported on credit. Also do i have to pay them? I had insurance quote from them for 6 months but i found cheaper one so i moved. I live in california. Thank you



Would using a motorbike for a year make insuring a car cheaper?

i'm at college and i am looking at learning to drive a car and i was wondering that if i used a motorbike or moped for a year without claiming on insurance would it decrease the cost of car insurance? because that is what my friends have been saying



Fastest car to insure cheaply?

hi. im 18 yrs old with only 1 yr's ncb. im looking for a car which is both cheap to insure, and fairly quick. any ideas what i should get?



How much would it be to insure a 17 year old on a Ford Fiesta Zetec 1.25L?

I have always liked the Ford Fiesta's and i turn 17 in october, its unlikely i will be driving till next year! i was just wondering an insurance estimate on, say, an 06 plate? 3Doors Hatchback 1.25L I know it will be fairly expensive! If a company were to insure me. Would just like an average quote please! don't want answers with 'depends on this, this or this'.. Thanks very much!



Car insurance rates in florida?

I lent my friend my car in florida and the car broke down he called for assistance and the tow truck hit the car will my car insurance go up i have geico



Average cost of term life insurance?

20 years male 44 old non smoker. Internet has several resources for free quotes, but none from big, well-know insurance companies. Just from small ones. Please help



What would my insurance be in this situation?

I am 20 years old I have had my license for 10 months but did not have insurance nor have i ever had insurance or a car under my name. I am goin to buy a cheap non sports car and am wondering what it will cost me for LIABILITY only to have insurance, yearly and monthly , and do i have to make a down payment?



Can you apply for health insurance with a work permit?

United States only. people with the differed action, that obama passed a few months ago are planning to apply for health insurance. Are they able to ? and if they are how will it work



I need health insurance. Should I get private insurance or Obamacare?

I am a 27 y/o healthy male non-smoker living in Arkansas with good income. Wife has employer insurance that is very expensive to add me, so that's a no-go. I'll be the only one on the plan. I am prescribed medication that requires a doc's visit once per 2 months to have it refilled (so need medication and decent office visit fees/co-pay). I know little to nothing about health insurance. I've always had it under mother's plan and through the university after that. So what's the best route to go? Private insurance even if its subject to a penalty? Or go with ObamaCare. I'd like to have my medication covered at least partially, doc's visits, protection for severe medical emergencies, and possibly dental. I don't want to pay an exorbitant amount, nor do I want to be locked into anything. Thanks for any help.



How much is short term car insurance for under 21's (approx price)?

I want insurance on a vehicle for no more than 1/2 weeks. I've been on some websites, but lots don't offer under 21 insurance and others require registration and form filling, which I don't want to do until nearer the actual time. Has anyone on here had experience with insuring a car, short term, at a young age?


Car insurance help?

Around how much is car insurance? Am I looking at like 50 bucks a month? 500 bucks a month? I really have no idea. Any help is appreciated.